Leading Food Engineering department in Turkey (2020)
Hacettepe University ranked 201-300 in the world in Food Science & Technology and first in Turkey according to ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2020 ranking results.
Leading Food Engineering department in Turkey (2019)
Hacettepe University ranked 151-200 in the world in Food Science & Technology and first in Turkey according to ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2019 ranking results.
Leading Food Engineering Department in Turkey (2018)
Hacettepe University ranked 151-200 in the world in Food Science & Technology and first in Turkey according to ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2018 ranking results.
Our Food Engineering undergraduate program educates students who will be the leading staff of the Turkish food industry and are strong on world-class science, technology and engineering knowledge.
EUR-ACE Bachelor
Hacettepe University Department of Food Engineering’s undergraduate programme is designated again as a European-Accredited Engineering Bachelor Degree Programme. The accreditation has been provided by the Engineering Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association (MÜDEK) for 5 years as of September 30, 2021.
  • Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen answered the questions of TÜBİTAK

  • Our department's research assistant, Naz Erdem, has become one of the six students to receive the First-Year PhD Student Grant for the 2023-2024 European Flavor Research Programme, awarded by GIRACT for the 14th time, covering 35 European countries.

  • Dr. Neslihan Taş has been honoured with the UK Royal Society of Chemistry Food Group Early Career Medal 2023.

  • Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen has been elected as a Full Member of TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences).
  • In Ülker's bizz@kampüs competition, our students Miray Yiğit and Duygu Sinem Yıldırım were among the finalists, standing out from 115 universities and thousands of students.
  • In Ak-Gıda's 3rd R&D Innovation Competition, our students Hakan Aslan and Günce Aldemir achieved third place.
  • The project led by our faculty member Dr. Elif Yolaçaner, in collaboration with the Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute (TOVAG-222O444), has been approved for funding under the 1003-Agricultural Research Joint Call, jointly opened by TÜBİTAK-Tagem.
  • Our faculty member Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen has been awarded the TÜBİTAK Science Award. He received the award for his "outstanding work in the field of food science and engineering, particularly the development of advanced analytical techniques for monitoring food safety risks during food processing and food processing technologies to reduce these risks.
  • Our students Ecem Paçacıoğlu and Dilara Nur Başbozkurt won the second prize in the Döhler Shape D-Future Project Competition.
  • Our students Nevin Ebrar Kazkayası, Buse Şen, and Ezgi Akyol won the first prize in the Döhler Shape D-Future Project Competition.
  • Dr. Neslihan Taş has received the Hacettepe University Science Incentive Award in the field of science and engineering.
  • Under the leadership of our department faculty member Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen, and with Dr. Burçe Ataç Mogol and Dr. Ezgi Doğan Cömert as researchers, the project titled "Waste Quantification to Limit Environmental Stress"(WASTELESS) will be supported within the scope of Horizon Europe.
  • The ACRYRED project, titled "Reducing acrylamide exposure of consumers by a cereals supply-chain approach targeting asparagine" (CA21149), submitted during the OC-2021-1 call period, was accepted by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) committee on May 27, 2022. Researchers from our university's Food Engineering Department, including Vural Gökmen, Burçe Ataç Mogol, Tolgahan Kocadağlı, Berat Aytül Hamzalıoğlu, and Neslihan Taş, are among the proposers of this project.
  • The research project titled "Effective Valorization of Artichoke and Moringa Wastes Through the Use of Novel Eco-Friendly Techniques for Extraction of Bioactive Peptides," to be hosted by our university's Food Engineering Department under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen and conducted by Ahmed Alaaeldin Zaky Ahmed, has been approved for funding under the 2236 Co-Funded Brain Circulation Scheme 2 Program.
  • The R&D project numbered TAGEM/21/AR-GE/09 and titled "Biocontrol of the Bacterial Cancer Agent Pseudomonas syringae Using Bacteriophages," prepared under the leadership of Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Boyacı from the Food Engineering Department, has been deemed worthy of support by the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM) of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The project will be carried out in our department between February 15, 2022, and February 15, 2024.
  • Our undergraduate students Zeynep Keskin and Zeynep Tutku İşman won 2nd place in the Health & Wellness category of the 2nd R&D Project Competition organized by the Ak Gıda R&D Center. They developed a functional fermented beverage product and an innovative packaging idea unique to the product.
  • Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel, emeritus faculty member at the Department of Food Engineering of Hacettepe University, was elected as the Chair of the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (Chair of ICC Academy) in 2020. Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel was also awarded with the "Friedrich Schweitzer" medal in December 2020 for his scientific achievements and contributions to the ICC.
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Tolgahan Kocadağlı received the Hacettepe University Science Incentive Award in the field of science and engineering.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. F. Ceyda Dudak Şeker received the BAGEP 2020 award given by the Science Academy. The BAGEP award is given to outstanding young scientists and includes two years of research support.
  • Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen, as of 1 October 2019, has been selected as the Associate Editor of the Food Chemistry (2019 impact factor 6.3) published by Elsevier.
  • Research assistant Dr. Aytül Hamzalıoğlu has won the best oral presentation award for her presentation entitled “Multiresponse kinetic modeling of acrylamide and hydroxymethylfurfural formation during roasting of coffee as a sucrose-rich food system” in the “2nd Food Chemistry Conference: Shaping the Future of Food Quality, Safety, Nutrition and Health” conference organized by Elsevier in Spain (September 2019).
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Neslihan Taş was selected as the Editorial Board Member of Food Research International (5-year impact factor 4.2) published by Elsevier. (March 2019)
  • Research Assistant Dr. Cemile Yılmaz was selected as the Editorial Board Member of Food Research International (5-year impact factor 4.2) published by Elsevier. (February 2019)
  • Dr. Tolgahan Kocadağlı, researcher from Department of Food Engineering was awarded the 2017 Junior Medal by the Royal Society of Chemistry, one of the world's most respected communities in the field of chemistry, founded in 1848 in the United Kingdom. Dr. Kocadağlı's medal was presented at a ceremony at Burlington House on 21 February 2018.
  • Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen and his team's patented invention "A Solution Extending Shelf Life of Ready-to-Eat Fresh Fruits and / or Vegetables and an Application Method Thereof" won the Gold Medal in the 2nd Istanbul International Invention Fair (ISIF'17).
  • Ezgi Doğan Cömert and  Dr. Aytül Hamzalıoğlu, research assistants in Food Engineering Department, have been selected as the Editorial Board Members of the Elsevier’s journal Food Research International (5-year impact factor 3.87) (October 2016)
  • Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen has been selected as the Editorial Board Member of the Food Chemistry. (2014).